Thursday, June 01, 2006

portrait of the artist as a young man

(reading orlando puts that in a completely new light)

reader meet author with the hope of hearing sense, but you may be feeling let down...

so last night, seconds before i jumped up and ran to the library to write this and minutes before i learned that the library in fact closes at 10 during the summer (and the lab at 9:45--lame-o. what happened to 2am? those were the good old days.), i discovered something very disturbing about myself.

i was sitting at the table, eating some ice cream (you have to eat it all before it gets frosty and nasty, you know), and watching hud from afar. i picked up the nearest reading material to hand and found myself more worked up about something i was reading than i have been in a long time. i was commenting aloud, shifting in my seat; unable to contain my excitement.

and then i stepped outside of myself and said, "so it has come to this. the only thing that gets me excited is the grocery ads."

and, indeed, after blandly perusing the smiths' ad, i had picked up the albertsons' to find the "10 for $10". my initial reaction was, of course, "i don't need 10 half-gallons of milk." but then i saw the "mix and match" and the juices started flowing. at about the point i started considering how well the seedless cucumbers would complement the peony festival i laughed at myself, realized i had missed a day on the dossier, jumped up and announced to valerie and abraham that i was going to the library.

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