Sunday, May 27, 2007

in a manner of speaking i don't understand

it's funny how the most unexpected things can have such a profound effect.

a couple of my sister's friends came over tonight. i wasn't expecting it to be much fun for me, but i ended up really very glad that they came and oddly invigorated.

i just found a photo album that my sister seems to have inadvertently stolen from my parents' house.
it's full of pictures of me when i was 11 and we lived in saudi arabia.
i feel like i have uncovered some lost record of my life.
i don't know why this is such a solemn thing to me, but it is.

1 comment:

jo said...

saudi arabia! i feel like I never knew this and yet you've probably told me this before. You're way cooler to me now... just kidding!