it was pretty, but windy. pretty windy.
i had to eat cookies and a reese's peanut butter egg for breakfast because i woke up late.
my sister said i looked "just like a bag of easter m&m's." i wasn't sure if i should be complimented or not.
we went to church.
we went to brunch with the tinge. i love the tinge. (the tinge are my cousins the tingeys.) the bon is my mom's sister. she cooks like a madman. so sehr gut.
we ate:
-the best part of easter: potato salad (not just any potato salad, my mom's potato salad. no one else can make potato salad like my mom. not even her sisters or her mother, whose recipe she uses.), -some kind of good casserole, -better than...other cakes white cake (it has pudding and sour cream in it.) with cream and strawberries for a sort of shortcake feel, -banana bread, -fresh strawberries, -pineapple, -kiwi, -bread pudding (i refrained. i'm not really a fan.), -creme brulee, -ice cream, -passion fruit sauce, -carmel sauce, -cinnamon rolls, -orange rolls, -regular rolls, and -easter candy.
needless to say, i felt ill for the rest of the day. you can't not eat. it's too good to be full. so you eat yourself sick. that is the way of the kearls. (my mom and the bon are kearls. "kearl girls.")
after that i pretty well collapsed on the tingey couch until we left and then i collapsed on our couch until it was time to get up and dance. i mean, go to grandma's. we saw everyone at grandma's and we talked to the sisters on the phone. then i went home and took some pictures (you can't see them cause they're black and white and i haven't developed them yet.) and cleaned up a little bit and moved the video booth and practiced my cello. then i went to bed. um. i mean. i will go to bed. dangit. i promise, i was writing this last night. but the pictures, children, the pictures!
i don't have pictures of the food. i wanted to, but the elements combined against me.
oh. and i told i would explain about the cookies: aunt sue sugar cookies are very good. but you don't realize it at first. you only realize it after you've eaten your twelfth cookie. aunt sue sugar cookies are painted, not frosted. so check it. (but the pictures of the cookies and painting might be hard to see.)

happy easter!
note the "labels" jenny found in the box with the egg dye.
and my mom's lovely garden.
you are queen of the collage, my friend.
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